Welcome to Schema App Tutorials!

One of our key values at Schema App is to always be learning and teaching. That’s why we offer free tutorials and how-to articles about authoring, deploying, and maintaining comprehensive schema markup.

Structured data can enhance the existing content on your website and display additional information in search through Google features like rich snippets. We like to take this even further, and use structured data to actually inform the content strategy for our customers.

Consider the best rich results to showcase your unique value in search. For products, star ratings and reviews can really help your ecommerce store stand out from the competition. For blog posts, even adding an FAQ section at the bottom can open up new opportunities to engage users with your content in search. Explore Google’s Search Gallery to see over 30 options for enhanced experiences on Google surfaces.

Schema Markup Tutorials

CollectionPage Schema Markup

Often, selecting a schema.org type to define a web page is pretty straightforward; if there’s price and quantity information, it’s probably a Product; author and date published information? likely an Article. But what about those pages that have many different types of content without a main focus? Enter the CollectionPage.

Review Schema Markup

If you have Review content on your website, adding review schema markup to those pages makes you eligible for a rich result on search, which can help your site reach the right users. If you don’t yet have this type of content on your website, we recommend adding it so you can leverage the power of schema markup!

QAPage Schema Markup

Question and answer page (Q&A Page) schema markup is a relatively new schema.org type that is used for pages that contain a question and a way for users to submit answers to that question. You can mark up these questions and answers with QAPage schema to have this content eligible for enhanced Google features in search results.

Schema Markup Guides

Local Business Schema Markup

There’s something satisfying about searching for a business and finding all the information you want presented in an attractive knowledge panel. Have you wondered how to make your own business eligible for this kind of search experience? We’ve compiled this ultimate guide to teach you all you need to know about local business markup. Adding Local Business Schema Markup to your website can make you eligible for rich results, and these results can help you stand out in search, generating higher click-through rates, higher organic traffic, and more conversions.

Service Schema Markup

Whether they’re home services, such as roofing, plumbing, contractor or lawn care, or professional services such as marketing, search engine optimization, or defense in a court of law, most companies offer some type of service. As such, it seems odd that Google’s structured data features do not include “Service”, but instead focus on product schema markup for rich results. In this article we are going to show you how to create schema markup for Services, so that Google can explicitly understand what services are offered, to what area, and who is providing them.

Product Schema Markup

Adding schema markup to your Product pages will make them eligible for rich results in search, increasing visibility and engagement with the right users. Structured data markup helps ecommerce websites in two ways. Firstly, schema markup creates context for the content on your web pages so search engines can better understand and match your products with a user’s search intent. Secondly, structured data markup enhances how your store and products appear in search engine page results.

Schema Markup for Product Variations

Creating schema markup for a single product is straightforward and well documented. But things get more complicated when you’re creating markup for many variations of a product. There are several ways to create schema markup for complex products. This article will describe three common strategies for modeling product variations so you can optimize your markup for search engines.

Google Merchant Center Structured Data

This article outlines how to implement schema markup for your product pages using your Google Merchant Center data.

If you haven’t already done so, you may want to consider creating a Google Merchant Center account. You’ll be able to manage your appearance across all Google e-commerce products, upload product information (like pricing & pictures), and be displayed in Google Shopping searches.

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