January 2023 Schema Markup Industry Update from Schema App

January 2023 Rich Results Weather Report

December 2022 started with a series of updates from Google resulting in fluctuations in performance on the search engine result page on a global scale. Thankfully, we were able to…
Featured image for 'Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What to Expect' blog article

Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What To Expect

2022 was an eventful year in the world of Schema Markup and Rich Results. As Google continues to improve the search experience for users, we’ve seen volatility in rich result…
Schema App's September update on Rich Results

September 2022 Rich Results Weather Report Update

This September, we continued to observe FAQ, Video and Recipe rich results fluctuations. Google has also released the September Core and Product Reviews updates. While it is too soon to…
Schema App FAQPage Weather Report

FAQPage Rich Results Weather Report May 2022

Since April 8th, 2022, our Data Scientist, Iram Fatima, has been keeping an eye on our customers FAQPage Rich Results. Why? On April 8th, 65% of our clients saw a…
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