Knowledge Graph

Title Image "4 Steps to Building a Content Knowledge Graph"

The 4 Steps to Building a Content Knowledge Graph

Knowledge graphs have been central to semantic technology for decades. From healthcare and eCommerce to fraud detection and SEO, knowledge graphs empower organizations to harness the full potential of their…

The Anatomy of a Content Knowledge Graph

What is a Knowledge Graph? A knowledge graph is a structured representation of knowledge that describes entities and the relationships between them. Knowledge graphs are a part of “knowledge representation“,…
A title image with the Schema App logo, and the title of the blog: "What is an Entity in SEO?". To the write of the title is an image depicting entities on the web being connected in a graph.

What is an Entity in SEO?

In the realm of information and knowledge organization, understanding the concept of an entity is fundamental. According to Google, an entity refers to a single, unique, well-defined, and distinguishable thing…
Featured image with the blog title 'What is a Content Knowledge Graph?'

What is a Content Knowledge Graph?

A knowledge graph is a reusable data layer that serves as a collection of relationships between things, defined using a standardized vocabulary.  It provides a structured framework from which new…
Image with the title 'linked data in seo: what you need to know' and a graphic of a connected graph

Linked Data in SEO: What You Need To Know

In 2006, Tim Berners-Lee had a vision of building a semantic web enabled through Linked Data. Now, more than ever before, his vision is becoming a reality, because in addition…

Say Goodbye to How-To Rich Results on Google

On September 14, Google announced that they’ve officially removed How-To rich results on desktop and deprecated How-To rich results entirely as part of their efforts to simplify search. They will…
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