Google Search Console

Title image for "Common Questions About Schema Markup for SEO" article.

Common Questions About Schema Markup for SEO

In an era when search engines increasingly rely on semantic understanding and AI to generate results, Schema Markup has emerged as a vital SEO tactic for website owners striving to…
Featured image for 'Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What to Expect' blog article

Schema Markup SEO in 2023: What To Expect

2022 was an eventful year in the world of Schema Markup and Rich Results. As Google continues to improve the search experience for users, we’ve seen volatility in rich result…
SPA Featured Image

Introducing Schema Performance Analytics

Schema Performance Analytics (SPA) is a structured data reporting solution powerful enough to scale your online business. With the benefits of Google Search Console plus more data and customization, you…
New GSC Error Reporting Featured Image

New Error Reporting in Google Search Console

On October 6th, Google announced new error reporting for Rich Result status reports in Google Search Console. This change was intended to help SEOs with resolving rich result errors: The…
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